Robert has acquired several “Best Art Knife” achievement awards. Here are a sample of some of these artful and exquisitely beautifully handcrafted yet functional knives.
Keyring Thumb Knife
Keyring Thumb Knife A small cylindrical knife designed to fit [...]
Battle Axe
Battle Axe This large double bladed battle axe received the [...]
Pipe Tomahawk
Pipe Tomahawk This 18th Century North American Pipe tomahawk has [...]
Objet Teouve Robert's latest art creation .... This 'objet trouve' [...]
Ixwa Assegai Spear
Ixwa Assegai Spear The Ixwa is historically the "Short Stabbing [...]
Swiss Morning Star Mace
Swiss Morning Star Mace This Medieval weapon has been created [...]